Decorations & Substrates
Betta Terra Air Plant is an authentic artificial epiphyte ideal for decorating desert or rain forest displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Air Plant is an authentic artificial epiphyte ideal for decorating desert or rain forest displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Aloe Vera Plant is an authentic artificial succulent ideal for decorating desert displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Cactus is an authentic artificial succulent plant ideal for decorating desert displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Cactus is an authentic artificial succulent plant ideal for decorating desert displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Green/Red Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green/Red Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green/Yellow Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Halo Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Green Ivy Vine is an extra-large artificial plant, great for decorating rainforest themed terrariums. These attractive plants can also be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Ivy Vine Striped Leaf is an extra-large artificial plant, great for decorating rainforest themed terrariums. These attractive plants can also be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Vine is an extra-large artificial plant, great for decorating rainforest themed terrariums. These attractive plants can also be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Green Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Light Green Ivy Vine is an extra-large artificial plant, great for decorating rainforest themed terrariums. These attractive plants can also be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Orange Star Vine is an extra-large artificial plant, great for decorating rainforest themed terrariums. These attractive plants can also be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Orange Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Orange Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Pink Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Purple Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Red Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Red Terrarium Vine is an attractive artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums. Can be used in aquariums too.
Betta Terra Shuttlecock Fern is an authentic artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Spiky Cactus is an authentic artificial succulent plant ideal for decorating desert displays in terrariums.
Betta Terra Succulent Plant will help create an authentic desert display in any terrarium.
Betta Terra Succulent Plant will help create an authentic desert display in any terrarium.
Betta Terra Succulent Plant will help create an authentic desert display in any terrarium.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Garden Mats will add a stunning display of artificial fauna to your terrarium or vivarium.
Betta Terra Twisted Liana with Creeping Plant is an authentic artificial plant ideal for decorating rain forest displays in terrariums.
Ceramic Nature's range of logs and half-logs are made from high-quality clay. These are decorative, natural-looking pieces of decor which will provide the perfect hiding or breeding place for fish, reptiles, and rodents. Ceramic Nature logs are colourfast, extremely durable, and easy to clean.
Ceramic Nature's range of Iglu Stones are made from high-quality clay. These are decorative, and natural-looking caves which provide the perfect hiding or breeding place for community fish, cichlids, and other aquatic creatures. Ceramic Nature Iglu Stones are colourfast, extremely durable, and easy to clean.
Ceramic Nature's range of logs with boughs (branches) are made from high-quality clay. These are decorative, natural-looking pieces of decor which will provide the perfect hiding or breeding place for fish, reptiles, and rodents.
Ceramic Nature's range of Turtle Shell caves are made from high-quality Ceramic Nature's range of Turtle Shell caves are made from high-quality clay. These are decorative, and natural-looking pieces of decor which provide the perfect hiding or breeding place for community fish, cichlids, and other aquatic creatures.
Ceramic Nature's range of Y-logs are made from high-quality clay. These are decorative, natural-looking pieces of decor which will provide the perfect hiding or breeding place for fish, reptiles, and rodents. Ceramic Nature Y-logs are colourfast, extremely durable, and easy to clean.
Ideal for use in more ‘sterile’ set-ups (e.g. quarantine terrariums) or used in those spots of the terrarium where real plants cannot thrive or survive. Easy to clean and maintain.
The Exo Terra Gecko Cave makes the perfect addition to your gecko terrarium. A secure hide is an essential feature of any natural terrarium and the natural look of the Exo Terra Gecko Cave ensures that it can be used in any type of terrarium.
Suitable for Bearded Dragons and other desert species. A blend of soil, sand and grit provide a naturalistic environment.
HabiStat Beech Chip Substrate consists of natural beech wood chips and is a popular choice for many larger species of snakes and lizards as well as birds and some mammals from arid environments.
HabiStat Beech Chip Substrate consists of natural beech wood chips and is a popular choice for many larger species of snakes and lizards as well as birds and some mammals from arid environments.
HabiStat Coir Block is a compressed block of burrowing substrate for species from humid environments.
HabiStat Coir Coarse Husk is a compressed block of coarse burrowing substrate for species from humid environments.
100% natural, HabiStat Coir Substrate is a burrowing substrate suitable for all species of reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates from humid environments.
HabiStat Desert Sand Red 5kg / 10kg. 100% natural, HabiStat Desert Sand is an excellent heat conductor and therefore best suited to species from Desert environments. Easy to clean and available in either red or yellow.
HabiStat Desert Sand yellow 5kg / 10kg. 100% natural, HabiStat Desert Sand is an excellent heat conductor and therefore best suited to species from Desert environments. Easy to clean and available in either red or yellow.
Suitable for Leopard Geckos and other desert species. A blend of soil, sand and grit provide a naturalistic environment.
Monkfield Orchid Bark Fine is a 100% natural bedding or substrate for reptiles. It is absorbent and biodegradable.
Monkfield Repti-Turf is a substrate made of compressed grass pellets and is very absorbent. It is also biodegradable. Perfect for tortoises, iguanas, and many other larger reptiles. This product is not harmful if digested.
100% natural, HabiStat Snake Bedding is soft, shredded wood designed specially for Snakes not requiring high humidity.
HabiStat Sphagnum Moss is a natural sphagnum moss, ideal for use in humid and wet environments. Great with certain reptiles such as forest or swamp reptiles.
HabiStat Spider Bedding has been specially formulated for spiders, scorpions & other burrowing species from humid environments.
A water bowl specifically designed with tortoises in mind with a ramp on one side, this makes it safe and easy for tortoises to climb in and out.
100% natural, HabiStat Tortoise Bedding is a blend of sterilised loam and sand designed specially for Mediterranean and African tortoise species.
Made from exfoliated volcanic rock, HabiStat Vermiculite can be used as a substrate for egg laying or as a natural incubation medium.
Created using renewable sources and 100% natural cork bark, each piece is individual and can be easily shaped and cut to suit any size terrarium. Ideal for creating areas to hide, bask or climb, and perfect for providing a rich, natural environment for many different species. Can be combined with real plants.
Hugo Marrock Amazonite is a collection of blue/green stones in varying sizes for you to create a stunning substrate layer in your home aquarium
Hugo Marrock Citrine is a collection of mocha stones in varying sizes for you to create a stunning substrate layer in your home aquarium
Hugo Marrock Onyx is a collection of stunning black stones in varying sizes for you to create a stunning substrate layer in your home aquarium
Hugo Marrock Petalite is a collection of white stones in varying sizes for you to create a stunning substrate layer in your home aquarium
Hugo Marrock Rubellite is a collection of stunning pink/red stones in varying sizes so you can create a stunning substrate layer in your home aquarium
Acrylic landing for turtles, amphibians and reptiles