Small Animal Foods
A premium, all-in-one food developed alongside vets and nutritionists. The pellets are extra-small for dwarf hamsters and extruded to prevent selective feeding.
A premium, all-in-one food developed alongside vets and nutritionists. The pellets are extruded to prevent selective feeding and hardened to support the natural wearing of the teeth.
Beaphar CARE+ Guinea Pig is high in protein, but low in fat, as guinea pigs are inclined to put on weight.
A premium, all-in-one food developed alongside vets and nutritionists. The pellets are extruded to prevent selective feeding. With added Vitamin E, Omega 3 and 6, and prebiotics FOS and MOS to support healthy gut function.
Beaphar CARE+ Junior Rabbit is a very tasty, super premium complete feed.
Beaphar CARE+ Rabbit provides all the goodness your rabbit needs and the ‘all-in-one’ pellet ensures there is no preferential food selection, each pellet has the same composition, therefore no leftovers in the bowl.
Especially formulated for older rabbits, the pellets are low in calcium to prevent kidney and bladder problems.
Gerri Gerbil Tasty Mix is nutritionally balanced and suitable for gerbils of all shapes and sizes.
Gerty Guinea Pig Tasty Mix is nutritionally balanced and suitable for guinea pigs of all shapes and sizes.
Harry Hamster Tasty Mix is nutritionally balanced and suitable for hamsters of all shapes and sizes.
Reggie Rat & Mimi Mouse Tasty Mix is nutritionally balanced and suitable for rats and mice of all shapes and sizes.
Russel Rabbit Timothy Mix is nutritionally balanced and suitable for adult rabbits of all shapes and sizes.